- Men’s Supper. The Men’s Group meets on the third Thursday of the month at The Bull, Woolpit for dinner and a speaker. Topics range from WWII aeroplanes to Folk Music.
Contact for Men’s Suppers: Mr. Paul Clarke – Tel: 01359 245080
- Messy Church. Messy Breakfast and Messy Church take place usually on the second Sunday of the month (please check service times to confirm) and takes pace in the Woolpit Institute, in the middle of the village. Messy Breakfast starts at 8:45am and is open to all. It is followed by Messy Church at 9:30am which has a bible based story, crafts and music and is for all the family. A small donation is requested to cover the cost of breakfast.
Contact for Messy Church: Mrs. Jean Kendall – Tel: 01359 241360
- Choir. St. Mary’s has a robed choir that sings for most main services, for weddings and for special services. Choir practice is on Friday evenings at 6:00 pm in St. Mary’s Church.
Contact for choir: Mrs. Jo Brown – Tel: 01359 241129
- Woolpit Baby and Toddlers Group. Toddlers is a secular group but run by the church. It meets every Monday and Thursday morning, during term time, in Woolpit Village Hall from 9:30 until 11:30 am. Current cost: £2:00 for the first child and 50p for each extra child. First visit is free.
Contact for Toddlers: Julia Walker – Tel: 01359 244171