The church of the Blessed Virgin Mary has been serving Woolpit for probably over 1,000 years – sharing the good news of Christ’s love to the people of the area faithfully for all these years. It is a really magnificent building – with one of the most beautiful angel roofs in East Anglia. Also of great beauty are the poppy heads on the pews – most of which date back to the 15th century. It is easy to see that they have been loved by countless generations of people. Carved in the form of many birds and animals they all tell us a little of God. The dogs represent faithfulness and obedience so remind us of Christ’s obedience to his Father and our faithfulness to him. The griffins remind us that Christ was both fully human and fully God. They are creatures both of the earth (the human nature of Christ) and of the air (the divine nature). Lions (although they don’t look much like lions – I guess 15th century Suffolk artists hadn’t seen many lions) represent Christ the king.
As a Christian community we aim to grow in our love for God and share his love with those around us. We aim to be a welcoming and inclusive community, with a wide variety of liturgy and services, ranging from traditional book of common prayer communion services to our Morning Worship services and Messy Church. Whatever we do we aim to be Christ centred.
We reach out into the community in many ways: through the Men’s Meeting – which meets on a monthly basis, Summer lunches, through the twice weekly Baby and Toddler group, in the work within the school and in the pastoral care given to many people, irrespective of whether they are church members or not.
We are very grateful for the support we receive from the community. We have volunteers who help with cleaning, flower arranging and maintenance of the churchyard. If you feel you would like to help in any of these activities please contact Rev. Ruth, the Rector.
The church is open daily from 8:30 am until 5:00 pm. Be aware that there will be times when services, weddings, funerals or baptisms are taking place so that visiting will not be possible.